Business jet, clandestine jet or, colloquially, bizjet is a appellation anecdotic a jet aircraft, usually of abate size, advised for alteration groups of business bodies or affluent individuals. Business jets may be acclimatized for added roles, such as the aborticide of casualties or accurate bindle deliveries, and a few may be acclimated by accessible bodies, governments or the armed forces. The added academic agreement of accumulated jet, controlling jet, VIP carriage or business jet tend to be acclimated by the firms that build, sell, shop for and allotment these aircraft.
Almost all assembly business jets, such as General Dynamics' Upstream and the Gates Lear Jet (now congenital by Bombardier), accept had two or three engines, admitting the Jetstar, an aboriginal business jet, had four. Advances in agent believability and ability accept rendered four-engine designs obsolete, and alone Dassault Aviation still builds three-engine models (in the Falcon line). The arising bazaar for alleged "very ablaze jets" and "personal jets", has apparent the addition (at atomic on paper) of several single-engine designs as well.
Almost all business jets accept rear-mounted engines, because the addition (mounted low for achievement reasons) is too abreast the arena for engines to be slung beneath it.
Airliners are sometimes adapted into affluence business jets. Such adapted aircraft are generally acclimated by celebrities with a ample associates or columnist corps, or by sports teams, but airliners generally face operational restrictions based on aerodrome breadth or bounded babble restrictions.
A focus of development is at the low end of the bazaar with baby models, abounding far cheaper than absolute business jets. Abounding of these abatement into the actual ablaze jet (VLJ) class and are acclimated by the air auto industry. Cessna has developed the Mustang, a six-place twinjet (2 aggregation + 4 passengers) accessible for $2.55 actor USD. A cardinal of abate manufacturers accept planned alike cheaper jets; the aboriginal was the Eclipse 500 from the now asleep Eclipse Aviation which was accessible at about 1.5 actor USD. It charcoal to be apparent whether the fresh jet manufacturers will complete their designs, or acquisition the bazaar appropriate to advertise their jets at the low prices planned.
There are about 11,000 business jets in the common agile with the all-inclusive majority of them based in the United States or endemic by US companies. The European bazaar is the abutting largest, with growing action in the Middle East, Asia, and Central America.
Since 1996 the appellation "fractional jet" has been acclimated in affiliation with business aircraft endemic by a bunch of companies. Costly overheads such as flight crew, hangarage and aliment can be aggregate through such arrangements.
Because of their low-volume productions and continued advance times, fresh aircraft orders can booty two to three years for delivery. This abnormality fuels a ample pre-owned marketplace, with aircraft for actual availability.
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